Mosaic Partners

"ChatGPT for Better Work" is now Mosaic Swift

You've spoken and we've listened.

People all over Australia have loved the 2h workshop "ChatGPT for Better Work".

However, being a live event, we heard from many people that they couldn't attend.

So, we've created a solution.

Introducing Mosaic Swift

Mosaic Swift is a fun and easy way to learn AI best practice - and keep upskilling ongoing.

You get full access to:

All for just AUD 18 per month.

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Roo, Jeremy & Jamie
Mosaic Partners

Loved by 1000s across Australasia

"Wow, just wow. I had heard a lot of talk about ChatGPT, but had never seen it or used it. This workshop blew my mind. It was a well-run workshop and Jeremy and Jamie explained and demonstrated everything from how it differs from a Google search, and the technology behind it, to some really advanced applications in the ChatGPT Pro. Without this workshop, I probably never would have started my ChatGPT journey, but now I am a regular user. Highly recommend."

— Katie Harris, Ibrox Park Nursery, Brisbane

Fantastic workshop thank you. Perfectly pitched for what I needed as someone who has been playing with ChatGPT without actually knowing what they were doing. The information presented in a friendly, accessible way, perfect for me as someone whose eyes usually glaze over when techies start teaching.This workshop has opened up so many possibilities as to how I can use the platform to not only increase my efficiency, but enhance the quality of my work. A very enjoyable 2 hours. PS this feedback was not generated by ChatGPT

- Sandy Thompson, LEAD

"This workshop was hugely beneficial to our company, both in how to maximise ChatGPT for efficiency, and ensure we are using it responsibly. The content was delivered clearly and accessibly for everyone, no matter their previous experience with ChatGPT. Our team left the workshop buzzing with new ideas & insights, and are already putting into practice the things they learned. Thanks Jeremy & Jamie!"

— Christie Edwards​​​​, Camex Civil

"It was a great session and it’s taken my idea of AI to a new level."

- Fabio Costa, Fosters Construction

"Great presentation. Got a lot out of it. 10/10"

— Jennie Kingma, JK Business

"Thanks Jamie & Jeremy. The workshop was fantastic! I highly recommend Mosaic to other businesses who want to put AI to work for their organisations."

— Julie McDade, Greenlea Premier Meats

"Using the tool in real life examples. I have already briefed my immediate team about it, and plan to expand this to the wider network. I have used ChatGPT probably 5 times today already! Great stuff"

— Rhys Kelly, Nicklin CE

"Just a quick note to say your two hour session was really great and good value. Learned heaps and now excited to learn more. You both were engaging, respectful and knowledgeable on the topic. Hopefully I can convince my friends to join a future session."

— Catherine McLaren

"Outstanding, well presented, non-threatening, and easy to follow. Certainly one of the best workshops I have ever attended."

— Thames Business Association Inc.

"It was a great workshop and one that was targeted perfectly for my needs. It is a whole other beast to get your head around how it can be used within our business and with our clients. Jeremy and Jamie were a fantastic team taking us through the platform and how to use it to our best advantage and now it is just working on it further. Thank you so much for the opportunity to attend."

— Cambridge Chamber of Commerce

“I wanted to express my appreciation for the ChatGPT session you conducted. It was informative, and I found it valuable in addressing my previous struggles with instructing ChatGPT effectively. The insights gained and the hands-on experience provided during the session have made the process clearer and more manageable for me. I now feel more adept at using ChatGPT, thanks to your practical guidance. I would certainly recommend your sessions to anyone interested in navigating the world of ChatGPT. Thank you for the informative session, and I look forward to any future opportunities to engage with your team."

— Santana Mohi

"The ChatGPT workshop was beneficial for our whole team, whose ChatGPT experience ranged from zero right through to those who use it regularly. We now have a more thorough understanding of how best to use ChatGPT and feel more enthused, knowledgeable and confident about incorporating ChatGPT into our individual roles and business. Jeremy’s down-to-earth and engaging style made the topic interesting and simple to understand.”

— Natalie McKeany, Soda Inc.

"It was a great session. I went in not knowing what to expect and came out feeling very satisfied with the knowledge I had gained. The facilitators were awesome and gave the information in an easy-to-understand way! Not jargon. I would definitely recommend the session to others."

— Cambridge Chamber of Commerce

"It was easy to attend. The way it was presented was inclusive. It was a fun format. Fun makes learning easier. I believe they gave some people too much talk time. I will use Chatgpt more now because of this"

— Lisa Lomas

"I thoroughly enjoyed the ChatGpt workshop, informative and brief - that is rare! My colleague also commented how much she enjoyed it and we already have a list of how we can use it. You are both very good speakers, it was a very valuable opportunity, thanks again."

— Michelle Bathurst, EPL Construction